
Are You Business Owner Running Ads On Facebook and not getting Leads ,In Today Blog I Will tech You How You Can Run Facebook Leads Ads and collect Thousand Of Leads With Less Ads Spent .Whatever I will Tech You You Can Practically perform it Togather ,With The Help Of Trick Mentioned Me You Can collects Thousands Of Leads ,Here Is Step By Step Guide How You can Create Facebook Leads Ads

Clear Objective :First of All set your Target and what Do you Want Leads For , Are You Looking To Generate Leads To Sell Your Digital Product or You Looking To Collects Leads To invite People To a Webinar , Clarify Your Objective Before proceedings

Right Campaign Objective:Open Your Facebook Ads Manager Select ” Lead” As campaign Objective , To collect leads from ads , This Objective Will Help You

Target Right Audience :Audience play important Role  in Facebook ads , when You target right audience then your ads show to right people , then with less spent you can collect many leads and give push to your business ,There Is 3 Type of Auidence

  1.  New audience: Her You Can Create New audience for Your Ads , Considere , Demographic , Interest , Behaviours
  2. Custom audience : Mean Target Those people and Group Who Already Interact With Your Business And page , This audience Give Best Result and Compare To New audience .
  3. Lookalike audience:  Target similar People Who Have purchase any things form Your Brand ,Facebook Tool Find  similar Demographic , interest and Behaviors of your existing clients

 Ads Creative :  This is most important step ,You must have heard that what look good sells good,If you want to increase your leads then you will have to make your ad set very loving and beautiful ,Your Objective should be  Clear in the caption of the ad copy .Your ad set should clearly show how people will benefit from this ad

Create Lead form :Here You have to generate a proper professional Lead form in which you can collect users leads.keep the form short and straightforward .Ask Essential information from user like , Full Name , Email , and Any Other relevant  Questions According to your needs

Add custom Question :Depending on your campaign objectives, consider adding custom questions to gather more specific information from leads

Set Confirmation Form : Give User Always Professional look ,Show Confirmation form in last , when user fill all Required details ,Thanks him , Show Message Our Professionals Get back to You

Right Placement : Placements Means Where Are you going to Show Your Ads on Facebook and Instagram ? in Facebook Feeds, in Story in video , in Article . Select The Best placement According to your need , You Must Know Where your Target Audience Mostly Active.

Ad Budget :Here Many People get confused whether we should do daily budget or life time budget,Here I will Help you Which budgeting method you should use , Create one Compaign and make 10 different ad set select different Audience ,Select Life time Budget , in 2 to 3 day you feel Which Ads set working properly then off other ads continue with that ads for life time Budget

Monitor and Optimize Ads set : You Have to keep checking your ads as time goes by ,

Follow Up :Once you start generating leads, follow up promptly with personalized communication. Provide valuable content, offers, or solutions based on the leads’ interests and needs to nurture them through the sales funnel


I Share You best Tricks , These Tricks Will 20x Your Leads , Thanks for reaching Out