
Increase YouTube’s organic growth by uploading YouTube Shorts ,YouTube has turned on the option to upload shorts videos. This is a new method, people are applying it and getting millions of views. In today’s article, I will tell you when is the right time to upload short videos which can get millions of views.

Need To Understand YouTube Algorithms:

Before I tell you the uploading time of YouTube, let us try to understand the algorithm of YouTube. We will try to know what is this algorithm and how it works. How can we take million of views by working on this algorithm?YouTube’s algorithm depends on various factors such as watch time, engagement metrics, relevance to determine a video’s visibility and recommendations.

Understand Your Audience :

You will have to gather information about your target audience. You need to figure out what your target audience’s demographic, location, and content preferences are. Most of the users watch YouTube more in the morning, evening and on holidays.All the details of the users will be shown in your YouTube analytics. Monitor them and keep track of your User Information ,There you will be showing which user has come to you, what is his/her demographic, what is his/her Age, what is his/her gender and at what time the user has watched your video.

Why should you care about video upload time?

When and at what time you upload a video plays an important role in the growth of YouTube. There are five reasons due to which we should take care of video upload time and date.

  1. If our user comes to 5:00 Pm of our video ,We upload the video at 6:00 PM, then the user does not wait, he watches some other video.
  2. Uploading YouTube shorts on time will benefit your users and they will subscribe you.
  3. Organic growth of your channel will increase
  4. You can earn by monetizing YouTube
  5. Due to more views, you can also earn money from sponsorship ads.

Upload YouTube shorts at the correct timing every day.

  1. Monday :4 Pm To 8 Pm
  2. Tuesday :5 Pm To 9 Pm
  3. Wednesday :2 Pm To Pm
  4. Thursday:   2 Pm To 5 PM
  5. Friday   :      12 PM To 4 PM
  6. Saturday  :   9 Am To 12 PM
  7. Sunday  :      9 AM to 1 PM

How can you check your audience details Below I am showing you some screenshots to help you how to track your audience.

  1. Open YouTube Studio <Click Analytic , See Real Time Data , Like Views , Subscriber ..ETCYouTube Short Video
  2. Click Advance Mode , You Can Also Check Here , Traffic source , Demographic Of User , Video Play Time Etc..
If you have a new channel and you don’t have any traffic ,I have told you the timing of uploading YouTube shorts every day, follow it and get million views.