
Hey Welcome To Our New Interesting Blog , In Universe of SEO It Is important to understand The concept of SEO ,and its all components , Here Our expert Give you complete Guide about sitemap . If You are looking to enhance Your Website Ranking on google then You Must Have knowledge of Sitemap

what Is Sitemap..?

A sitemap Is a File That have all lists of URLs or Web Pages Of Website , Which provide vital information to Google cawler About Each Page in Website ,such as when it was last updated, how often it changes, and its relative importance. Think of it as a roadmap that search engines use to navigate and index your site efficiently. While sitemaps are primarily designed for search engines, they also benefit users by improving website navigation and enhancing user experience.

Types Of Sitemap :

Many People Know About Just One Type of sitemap , But There Is Two Type of Sitemap In SEO Field ,

XML Sitemap: This is the most common type of sitemap used in SEO. XML sitemaps are specifically created for search engines and are written in XML format. They provide search engine crawlers with valuable information about your site’s structure and content.

HTML Sitemap: Unlike XML sitemaps, HTML sitemaps are designed for human users. They serve as a visual representation of your website’s structure, displaying all the pages in a user-friendly format. HTML sitemaps are particularly beneficial for large websites with complex architectures.

Syntax About Site 

How To Make Sure That You Are Using Proper Syntax for Sitemap

  • Need To define a Particular URL
  • Priority Order ( Minimum Is 0.0 To Maximum is 0.1)
  • last modified
  • Frequency of modification

Quick Takeaways

  • sitemap Should Properly Justify The Priority Order
  • Change Frequency Protocol is define as is it
  • The Proper Location Set Should Be Define

How To create and Submit Sitemap 

We Learn Step By Step How To create Sitemap In WordPress Website And Submit In Google Search Console

Generate Your Sitemap 

  1. Open Your WordPress Website Admin Panel
  2. Add New Plugin Which Is Called Yoast SEO , Install This Plugin And activate Properly In Website
  3. Here is Sitemape Link And Also URL (Website URl/sitemap_index.xml) , Now Check ScreenshotSitemap
  4. Sitemap Generated Successfully , Now Open Your Google Search Console
  5. Cope All URl Here , In Search console You can find  Sitemap Option
  6. Open Sitemap And past This Sitemap and click Submit , I Show A screenshot how you can doHow To Submit Sitemap